Board spelling self care isn't selfish

23 Self-Care Products To Try in 2024

Self-care has become an important topic in today’s world. More and more women are looking for ways to prioritize mental and physical health. Self-care products provide are a pleasant way to do this! They offer a variety of options that can help you take better care of yourself. From aromatherapy candles to yoga mats and weighted blankets, there are tons of self-care products available that can help you de-stress and feel your best. Self-care products are an excellent way to improve your overall well being by giving you the tools you need to make sure you’re taking time for yourself each day!

Why is Self-Care Important?

Self-care is important for your overall wellbeing. It helps you stay healthy, productive, and happy. Taking care of yourself means taking the time to do things that make you feel good and help you reset and relax. It can be anything from taking a walk in nature or meditating to getting enough sleep or eating healthy meals. Self-care gives you the energy and motivation to take on challenges and enjoy life’s moments. By taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social needs you ensure that you are living your best life ever!

Below are 23 examples of self-care products you can try this year!

23 Self-Care Products To Try in 2024

1- Essential oils

Not only do essential oils smell great, they can also boost your mood and help you sleep! Some are also known to kill bacteria, funguses, and viruses. Each variety of essential oils has different health benefits, so it’s very possible to find one to work for you! If you want to start using essential oils, you can put a few drops in a diffuser, use them with a carrier oil (like coconut oil) and apply to your skin, or put them on tiny pads inside of necklaces to smell them thru out the day.

2- Workout gear

Making time to exercise is a really important way to keep your body healthy, and to release some stress. Finding a workout that suits your lifestyle and your needs is easy when there are so many options to choose from. Whether it’s a new pair of yoga pants, some new weights or resistance bands, or a new pair of running shoes, any of these items and more will be great to add to your workout routine. And by making time to exercise, you are showing your body and mind love!

3- Crystals

wood table top with crystals and candles

Crystals are becoming very popular right now, however, these beautiful little gems have been traced back to the times of the Ancient Egyptians. The vibrations of crystals are used to help balance and harmonize our bodies because they work with our own bodies energy. There are a ton of crystals to choose from. To narrow it down, the ones I love to use for self-love are:

  • Rose quartz – radiates frequency of unconditional love
  • Malachite – helps release old wounds and works well for deep healing
  • Selenite – clears negative energy from body and home space
  • Lepidolite – great for anxiety because it helps to relax your mind and emotions
  • Hematite – helps with grounding when working thru unhealed trauma
  • Amethyst – brings peace of mind and helps with connecting to your higher self and the Universe

4- Weighted blanket

If you want to feel snug and secure, try using a weighted blanket. Either for sleeping or for relaxing, weighted blankets apply a gentle pressure to your body. They are helpful for relieving stress, calming your nervous system, and can help with anxiety and depression. You can find these blankets in a range of 7-25lbs, and come in a variety of sizes. They are totally safe and can be a great addition to a self-care routine.

5- Skin care

Using clean lotions, oils, and serums in my daily skin care routine is my favorite part of the day. Glowing, clear skin is something I take pride in. If you love skin care like I do, this is a great way to give yourself some self-care every day. Even if it’s 5 minutes in the morning and before bed, that is 10 minutes that you made yourself a priority. And your face will appreciate it!

6- Massager

Using a body massager is a great way to ease the tension of tired and stressed muscles. If you exercise, sit at a computer, have a physical job, or just like the feeling of your muscles being massaged, a body massager could be a great gift for yourself. They come in a variety of styles and settings range from light to deep massage. If you want the real thing, book yourself a full body massage with a massage therapist to show yourself some TLC.

7- Oracle/Divination cards

Oracle or Divination cards can be a way to help you develop your intuition. They can be used for exploration and to gain clarity on answers to more specific questions. You may also find it helpful to use them for a meditation or even as a daily reflection. There are a variety of decks focusing on many topics including self-love, spirit animals, crystals, moon cycles, goddess power, and sacred destiny. Simply ask a question, pull a card, and receive a message from the Universe. These cards can be a great tool to add to your list of self-care products!

8- Books

If you love to read, this is a great self-care activity. Whether you are reading a copy of a physical book, looking at a digital version, or listening to an audio book, getting into a book can be a great stress reliever. It helps improve your memory and brain function, lowers blood pressure, increases your vocabulary, and is a great way to unwind at the end of your day. Taking the time to read means you are taking time for yourself to do something you love!

9- Yoga mat

shadow of woman outside sitting in yoga pose

Yoga is a great way to stretch your body, take away stress from your day, and connect with yourself. You can do yoga anywhere, and for as short or as long as you like. Just a few simple poses can leave you feeling refreshed and energized. You can also use your yoga mat for simple stretches or for a workout routine.

10- Candles

Lighting a candle in the room you are in is a great way to add a sense of comfort to your space. Not only do you get the cozy ambience, you get a great scent and something nice to look at. Lighting a candle can help you relax after a long day. They work well when you’re taking a bath, reading, or watching your favorite movie. Candles can also be used in your sacred space when meditating, praying, and just being mindful of yourself and your surroundings. They also make great gifts!

11- Affirmation cards

You have probably been hearing more and more about affirmations and what they are used for. Affirmations are something you affirm or declare you want in your life. Affirmation cards have a different saying on each card. These statements are positive and uplifting. Having an affirmation deck can help make your daily affirmation practice easier. They can also be a reminder to take time for yourself to affirm the feelings, emotions and way of life you want in your life.

12- Journal

Taking the time to write about your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and parts of your day can be a great way to release. This practice can help calm you after a tough day. It can help you make sense of situations that caused you grief, anxiety, or frustration. Having a regular journal practice allows you to take time for yourself and improve your mental wellbeing. There are so many journal options available, you are sure to find one that will fit your life and tastes perfectly!

13- Bath salts

One of the most relaxing and enjoyable practices is taking a bath. Especially after a long and stressful day, soaking in a warm tub with bath salts can ease away stress and tension. Bath salts can soothe pain after a long work day or extensive workout. They can also moisturize your skin and decrease inflammation in your body. Bath salts are an inexpensive option to add to your self-care products.

14- Supplements

If you don’t always eat the healthiest, supplements can be a good way to give your body the nutrients you are lacking. They can make it easier for you to manage your weight and overall health. They can help you perform better when exercising and working out. Supplements can also improve brain health and memory. It is a great option to add to your self-love and self-care products, and something really easy to do each day.

15- Smudge sticks

Burning sage or palo santo is a type of cleansing that has been used since the ancient times. Many cultures around the world use this practice to clear away negative energy from their energy field and their home. There are many benefits to smudging that can improve your overall wellbeing. Releasing negative thoughts and traumas, improving your mood, relieving symptoms of allergies, purifying to prevent bacteria and viruses, and improving sleep are just a few of the many ways smudging can be useful. If you’re new to smudging, or are unsure if it’s right for you, try burning white sage or palo santo incense. It may become one of your most favorite self-care products!

16- Face roller

Adding a face roller to your skin care routine can make a big difference in the appearance of your skin. A face roller applies gentle pressure to massage the skin on your face. It reduces inflammation and puffiness, and improves lymphatic flow and drainage. It can also increase blood flow, cool and soothe the skin, and relax and reduce stress. So great for self-care!

17- Makeup

makeup sitting on counter

Mascare, eyeliner, lipstick – so many options, so little time! Even on a day you are feeling self-conscious, applying some makeup can leave you feeling confident. It can boost your mood, make you look younger, and allow you to express yourself. Makeup is a fun way to use self-care products to change up your style and try something new!

18- Designer handbag

A chic designer handbag is a definite showstopper. When you wear a designer handbag, it boosts self-confidence and makes you feel self-assured. There are so many options from Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Dior, and Gucci (my personal favorite!). If you’re short on funds, you can find them at a discount second hand. And they hold their value, so if you decide you no longer like the style, you can resell with confidence.

19- Meaningful jewelry

Wearing a piece of meaningful jewelry can leave you feeling inspired thru out the day. Whether it’s a bracelet with an affirmation on the inside, a necklace with cherished memories, or a pair of heirloom earrings, wearing meaningful jewelry can be a reminder to you of happy times and people you love.

20- Wall art

Your home and office space is a reflection of your personality. The wall art you have says alot about you – goals, desires, and what matters most to you. It should leave you with a happy feeling when you look at it. Choosing wall art that that is meaningful and important to you will share your story of what is important in your life and in your soul.

21-Paint/Art supplies

Being creative and expressing yourself thru art is great way to be happy. Self-expression thru painting, drawing, writing, and coloring let’s you release the stress of the day and channel your energy into something positive. Art can boost mood and self-esteem, improves brain function, and can bring you together with friends if you want to do a group art project.

22- Cookbook

I LOVE COOKBOOKS!!! Like love them. I have so many and I love every single one of them. Enough about me!

Cookbooks tell a story – when they were made, what the recipes are, types of ingredients used, and the way you cook the food. Being mindful of what you put into your body is a great way to show yourself some love. Remember that old saying, “You are what you eat”. And for as corny as it sounds, it really is true. Eating fresh, healthy foods leave you feeling amazing. Treat yourself to a fun, funky cookbook and cook yourself a bomb a$$ meal!

23- Oversized comfy sweater

I love to read my cookbooks in my oversized comfy sweater, just saying! There is nothing more chill than coming home from work, taking off my clothes, and putting on my big, comfy sweater. It’s like wrapping yourself in a big hug 🙂

How Can You Find Time For Self-Care?

Board spelling self care isn't selfish

You say you have no time for yourself, I get it, I used to say that, too. Now I pop it into little time frames thru out the day. Try to sprinkle self-care products into your daily routine. Skincare and makeup, lighting a candle while I pull an oracle card, taking a hot bath after a great workout session, and wearing my oversized comfy sweater while I journal about my day are the ways I make it work for me. If you are good at multitasking, you will knock this list out quick!

If you love yourself, you will find time for yourself!

What’s the Lesson to Learn About Self-Care?

Simple. You’re worth it! And don’t let guilt sneak in and try to stop you. Remember, if you don’t fill your own cup, you can’t fill anyone else’s. Give to others and give to yourself the same attention and love. Get it, girl!!

Self-care means you’re taking time to take care of yourself and your own needs. Self-care can help to reduce stress, improve your mood, and boost your overall health. It can also help you better manage difficult emotions and build resilience in times of distress. Taking care of yourself is an important part of living a healthy, balanced life and it should not be overlooked or neglected! So, please be good to you! xoxo

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